Adding mortgage accounts to an owned property

It's a good to idea to add all your mortgage accounts, to the existing properties, in your portfolio.

By doing so, you can track how your investments are performing and receive notifications 3-6 months before any mortgage product, is due to expire.

Adding your existing mortgage accounts, will also save you time when submitting new mortgage or bridging loan applications, as your preferred broker or lender, will be able to see information about your existing liabilities, without needing to ask you for them.

To add a new mortgage account, you need to navigate to a property in your portfolio, scroll down to the Finance section and click on Mortgages.

From here you will see a list of your existing accounts and be able to add new ones, by clicking on the Add mortgage button.

After creating a new mortgage account, you will be taken to a page, which displays relevant information about your mortgage and provides you with the option to create Sub accounts and upload Documents.

In the Documents section, you should upload relevant documentation about your mortgage, such as illustrations and mortgage offers, which you have received, as it can be useful to refer back to these, in the future.

In the Sub accounts section, you should add the various accounts, which sit under your main mortgage account.

A lot of the time, you will only have one Sub account but there are situations, where you may have more than one. This can happen with some lenders, when you take out a further advance, after having added value to a property.

The Sub accounts page will list out all your existing sub accounts and give you the option to add a new one.

NB: When setting up a new Sub account, you will need to select your current mortgage product.

If the relevant mortgage product, is not appearing in the dropdown list, you should head over to the Account section and add a new mortgage product, for the mortgage lender in question. 

After adding the new mortgage product and refreshing the page, you will see that the relevant product is now appearing, so you can complete the process of creating your sub account. 
